Chondropetalum elephantinum
( kon - druh - PET - uh - lum ell - eff - an - TINE - um )
At-A-Glance Information
This species of perennial marsh plant needs full sun to partial shade and regular to ample water to perform well, and is commonly called Cape Rush. They reach 3-5 feet tall and 4-6 feet wide, and make great accents in ground or in a container. This plant is native to South Africa and has tan papery bracts at stem joints that mature to dark brown and drop off. Flower heads are dark brown and top each shoot.
Caring for chondropetalum elephantinum
Problems and Pests
A video all about growing camellias successfully
Propagating camellias
The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (2012) - Page 236, Chondropetalum elephantinum
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