Dymondia margaretae
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At-A-Glance Information
This species of groundcover is commonly called Silver Carpet, and is native to South Africa. Silver Carpet can grow in full sun or light shade, and needs moderate to regular water to perform and flower well. This plant forms a 2-3 inch tall tight mat of narrow evergreen leaves. Foliage is grey-green above, and leaves are curled up to reveal cottony white undersides. Flowers are yellow and bloom in summertime, partially hidden by foliage. These plants form deep roots, and can tolerate drought but will spread faster with regular water. Dymondia margaretae is great between pavers and stepping stones, and can take light foot traffic. This groundcover grows best in zones 15-24 (to find your zone, click here: Zone Map.)
Caring for dymondia margaretae
Grow in soil that is rich soil amended with plenty of organic material. They can tolerate dry conditions as long as they're in the shade. These ferns are great choices for beginner fern gardeners.
Problems and Pests
A video all about growing camellias successfully
Propagating camellias
The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (2012) - Page 294, Dymondia margaretae
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