Galtonia candicans
( gol - TOH - nee - uh )
At-A-Glance InformationThese flowering perennial plants grow from bulbs and do best in light shade in the hotter climates of their zone range. They need regular waterings during their growth and bloom periods. These natives of South Africa bloom in late summer, with fragrant white flowers topping 2-4 foot tall stems. Leaves are strap-like and reach 3 feet in length. These flowers grow best in zones 4-24, and H1. To find your zone, click here: Zone Map.
Caring for Galtonia candicans
These should be planted in fall when winter lows will stay above 10 degrees Fahrenheit, in springtime in cooler climates. Bulbs should be set 6 inches deep and 1 foot apart. They like organically-rich soil, and are best when clumps of flowers are undisturbed.
Problems and Pests
snails and slugs
A video all about growing camellias successfully
Propagating camellias
The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (2012) - Page 331, Galtonia
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