Milium effusum 'Aureum'
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At-A-Glance Information
This variety of grass, commonly called Bowles' Golden Grass, is a perennial planting that requires light shade and regular to ample water to perform well. These plants are native to eastern North America and Eurasia. These are great for woodland areas or shaded rock gardens, and can also be greaqt in pots. It does best in areas with mild summer weather; otherwise it will go partially dormant in summertime. Variety 'Aureum' forms a clump 2 feet tall and just as wide, with bright green-gold foliage that takes an arching, weeping form as it ages. Grow Bowles' Golden Grass in zones 3b-9 and 14-17 (to find your zone, click here: Zone Map).
Caring for Festuca
Problems and Pests
A video all about growing camellias successfully
Propagating camellias
The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (2012) - Page 443, Millium effusum 'Aureum'
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