( an - tihr - RYE - num )
At-A-Glance InformationCommonly called Snapdragon, Dragon Flower, Toadflax, or Dogflower, this perennial (commonly treated as an annual) needs full sun and regular water. Bright-colored flowers attract butterflies and other pollinators like bumblebees to gardens. Snapdragons are among the best plants to be included in sunny borders and for cutting for use in fresh arrangements. They have deep green leaves and flowers packed on to spikes, at their best in spring and early summertime.
Antirrhinum species and Varietals
The genus Antirrhinum includes about 30 species, and is a member of the plant family Plantaginaceae. There are three accepted sub-genera: Antirrhinum (Old World species), Orontium (Mediterranean species), and Saerorhinum (New World species). The genus name is derived from the Greek words for front or protruding (Anti) and snout or nose (rhinon). Snapdragons grow best in zones A1-A3 and 1-24. To find your zone, click here: Zone Map.
Antirrhinum majus (Common Snapdragon)
This species is the most commonly cultivated in western gardens, and has myriad varieties available at nurseries. Flowers come in a wide range of colors, and can be single, semidouble, or double. Height ranges from a foot tall to two and half feet tall. Varieties are described below:
This species is the most commonly cultivated in western gardens, and has myriad varieties available at nurseries. Flowers come in a wide range of colors, and can be single, semidouble, or double. Height ranges from a foot tall to two and half feet tall. Varieties are described below:
'Rocket' Varietals
This group is great as a vertical accent in border plantings, growing to 2.5-3 feet tall, with single flower-bloom spikes. |
'Topper' Varietals
These flowering beauties get to 2.5 to 3 feet tall, and has single-bloom flowers. They are wonderful as a vertical accent in border plantings and containers. |
'Double Supreme'
This species of Snapdragon has double-blooms. |
1 to 2 Foot Tall Varieties
Great for garden and pathway borders and containers. Varieties include 'Cinderella', 'Coronette', 'Minaret', 'Princess White with Purple Eye', 'Sprite', 'Tahiti' and the Ribbon Series. |
6 to 8 Inch Tall Varieties
Effective as edgings in rock gardens and raised beds, or in pots. Strains include 'Dwarf Bedding Floral Carpet', 'Kim', 'Kolibri' and 'Royal Carpet'. |
Bell-Flowered Varieties
With bell-shaped flowers (rounder and more open than the species), and include 2.5-foot tall 'Bright Butterflies' and 'Wedding Bells', 1.5-foot tall 'La Bella', and 15-inch tall 'Little Darling' and 'Liberty Bell'. |
Caring for antirrhinum majus
Plant your Snapdragon plants in full sun to partial shade; they will flower more profusely the more sun they get. These flowers should be receiving at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day for best performance. Ensure that soil is well-draining and that it has a pH of between 6.2 and 7.0 (acidic to neutral). If your soil is heavy or clayey, it is a good idea to amend with plenty of organic material before installing these flowers to improve soil structure and tilth. Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, watering deeply whenever the top inch of soil feels dry. Avoid providing water with overhead sprinklers, as this may cause issues with fungal diseases. Feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every month during the growing season to promote healthy foliage growth and abundant flowering over a longer period.
To prune, trim back leggy or overgrown stems to promote a bushier growth habit, and to maintain the plant's natural shape and neatness. Cut back by about 1/3 at the beginning to the middle of summertime to rejuvenate them for a fresh flush of growth. Apply a thick layer of mulch around the base of these flowers to increase soil moisture retention, suppress weed growth, and moderate soil temperature. In mild-winter climates, these plants may continue their bloom through winter into the next spring and summer, and in cool-winter climates, they die back to the ground and regrow in springtime. Alternatively, they can be pulled up and replaced each year.
To prune, trim back leggy or overgrown stems to promote a bushier growth habit, and to maintain the plant's natural shape and neatness. Cut back by about 1/3 at the beginning to the middle of summertime to rejuvenate them for a fresh flush of growth. Apply a thick layer of mulch around the base of these flowers to increase soil moisture retention, suppress weed growth, and moderate soil temperature. In mild-winter climates, these plants may continue their bloom through winter into the next spring and summer, and in cool-winter climates, they die back to the ground and regrow in springtime. Alternatively, they can be pulled up and replaced each year.
Antirrhinum can be propagated either by using cuttings or from seed. To ensure that your propagated plant will have the exact same qualities and characteristics as the parent plant, use the cutting method. If you would like to experiment and see what plant you can grow from seed, just keep in mind that it will not necessarily be the same as the parent plant. To propagate your plant, follow the instructions below:
Propagating Antirrhinum by Cutting
Propagating Antirrhinum by Seed
Propagating Antirrhinum by Cutting
- Gather your materials. You'll need a clean, sanitized, sharp pair of garden shears, rooting hormone, a pencil, and a 3-inch pot filled with well-draining compost or other organic material. If you don't have any potting medium on hand, you can make some. Just mix together equal parts (by volume) moss peat and horticultural-grade sand or grit sand.
- In spring or early summertime, choose the plant that you'd like to propagate. Ensure that this plant has had a good watering the night before, as this will improve the chances your cutting will take root. Cut one or more 6 inch portion(s) of the end of a non-blooming branch and strip the leaves off of the lower half. Make a hole in your planting medium by pushing your pencil into the soil. Dip the end of the stem in rooting hormone, and plant it in your pot. Fill in soil around the cutting to support it, but do not pack it down too much.
- Moisten with water, and ensure that the pot has good drainage. Your pot should be kept in warm, sunny conditions indoors (and not in direct sunlight). Water whenever your soil is dry under the top layer. After about four to six weeks have passed, your cutting should be rooted. When you notice new growth on your propagated Abutilon, you'll know you have roots.
- Keep your new plant in an area with bright light (though not direct sunlight) and temperatures between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Ensure that the soil stays moist, but not wet, until the next spring, when you can transplant it to its new home. Ensure that the last frost of the year has occurred before doing this, as it can seriously damage your new shrub.
Propagating Antirrhinum by Seed
- Keep in mind that the plant you get from seed will not necessarily mimic all of the characteristics of the parent plant. To propagate by seed, you will need a paper bag, a pot or tray filled with well-draining compost or other organic material, a spray bottle and a fork. If you don't have any potting medium on hand, you can make some. Just mix together equal parts (by volume) moss peat and horticultural-grade sand or grit sand. You will also, after a few weeks, need individual 3-inch pots for each seedling that grows.
- Harvest your seeds. The seed pods on these flowers look like tiny skulls, and readily release seeds when dry. Cut the flower spikes off of the plant and place them in a container or paper bag. This will keep the seeds contained as you harvest more flower spikes. Once at a clean workspace, separate the seeds from the plant parts. They are very tiny, so take care when handling them.
- In late summertime or early springtime, water your prepared seed tray or pot filled with soil, and ensure that good drainage is occurring. Place your seeds in your prepared pot or seed tray about a quarter inch to a half-inch under the soil surface. Cover them with soil and water with your spray bottle. Place your tray of seeds in a warm area that receives bright, indirect light. A greenhouse is the most ideal climate, but a planting tray inside a window will do as well. Germination usually takes 7-14 days from sowing. Once you begin to see seedlings sprout and they are able to be handled, transplant them to their own individual 3-inch pots, filled with the same potting medium as described in Step 1. Loosen the seedlings from the potting medium by digging down with the tines of your fork about an inch and a half, gently working the seedling up until it is out. Then, replant the seedling in its individual pot.
- Keep the seedling's potting medium moist, but not wet, by spraying the soil with your spray bottle. Keep your new plant in an area with bright light (though not direct sunlight) and temperatures between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Ensure that the soil stays moist, but not wet, until the next spring (after the danger of frost has passed), when you can transplant it to its new home.
Problems and Pests
Snapdragon plants are generally pest and disease free, though they may occasionally suffer from the following issues:
- Spider Mites
- Aphids
- Powdery Mildew
Plant Snapdragons in mixed beds; here they are planted amongst Dahlia, Strawflower, and English Daisy.
Snapdragons come in a variety of heights, making them perfect additions to any planting. Here, they are featured behind a bed of Calibrachoa.
Here, Snapdragons provide a middle-height row between low-growing Dianthus and taller Delphinium.
Cottage gardens are common places to find Snapdragons, nestled amongst plants like Cransebill, Miniature Roses, Oregano, and Pansies.
Snapdragons provide pops of color in lawn borders. Here, it is planted behind rows of Dusty Miller and Lobelia.
This informal, relaxing garden features Snapdragons, Chartreuse Sweet Potato Vine, Miscanthus, Epilobium, and Sweet Alyssum.
How to grow Snaps from seed.
All about Snapdragon plants.
How to grow Snapdragons successfully, from start to finish.
How to grow and care for Snapdragons.
Using Snapdragons in fresh flower arrangements.
Learn how to pinch your Snaps to encourage more blooms.
The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (2012) - Pages 155 - 156, Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragon)
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