( ark - TOH - thik - uh )
At-A-Glance InformationCommonly called Cape Weed, this flowering annual or perennial plant needs full sun and little to no water and are native to South Africa. They create easy-to-grow groundcovers, and should be placed 1.5 feet apart on average for a lush covering. Gray-green leaves contrast the commonly yellow or white daisy-like flowers that bloom for most of the year. These are great candidates for hillsides and large areas that need coverage, surviving in the outskirts of the garden well.
arctotheca species and varietals
The genus Arctotheca is a member of the plant family Asteraceae and includes five distinct species, some of which are considered to be weedy. They grow best in zones 8, 9 and 13-21 (To find your zone, click here: Zone Map).
Arctotheca calendula (Capeweed, Plain Treasureflower, Cape Dandelion, Cape Marigold) This species is native to South Africa and sends out basal rosettes of dark green foliage with hairy stems. Flowers are yellow (sometimes with either a green or purple tint) in the center and have white or yellow ray petals. Reaches 6-12 inches tall. |
Arctotheca populifolia (Beach Daisy, Cape Beach Daisy, South African Beach Daisy, Coast Capeweed, Beach Pumpkin, Sea Pumpkin, Dune Cabbage, Seepampoen, Tonteldoek, Strandgousblom) This weedy species is commonly found along coastlines in sandy beach areas, and has light grey-green foliage. Flowers are yellow, blooming on hairy stems. |
Caring for Arctotheca calendula
Arctotheca plants thrive in full sun, but can also tolerate partial shade. In general, they like to receive 6 hours of sunlight per day for optimal growth and flowering. Ensure that soil is well-draining, as this is essential for plant health. Amend soil with compost or other organic material before planting if clay is heavy. Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants after installing to suppress weed growth and increase soil moisture retention. Although drought tolerant once established, these plants will need regular waterings as they mature, and during especially hot or dry periods of the year. Fertilizing is not needed with these plants.
Arctic Daisy can be mown, like grass, to keep plants from getting too shaggy. They can also be pruned back in late fall or early wintertime, when they will die back to the ground. Cover with mulch over the cooler months to insulate roots. Deadhead spent flowers regularly to encourage more blooms to pop, and to prevent self-seeding. These plants can be invasive in some regions, so make sure to check with your local authority before importing or planting.
Arctic Daisy can be mown, like grass, to keep plants from getting too shaggy. They can also be pruned back in late fall or early wintertime, when they will die back to the ground. Cover with mulch over the cooler months to insulate roots. Deadhead spent flowers regularly to encourage more blooms to pop, and to prevent self-seeding. These plants can be invasive in some regions, so make sure to check with your local authority before importing or planting.
Arctotheca can be propagated either by using cuttings or from seed. To ensure that your propagated plant will have the exact same qualities and characteristics as the parent plant, use the cutting method. If you would like to experiment and see what plant you can grow from seed, just keep in mind that it will not necessarily be the same as the parent plant. To propagate your Caesalpinia, follow the instructions below:
Propagating Arctotheca by Seed
Propagating Arctotheca by Division
This type of propagation is relatively simple; you will need a clean shovel, mulch, fresh soil (any kind will do, though it does need to be well-draining), compost, gloves and other protective wear (to prevent skin contact) and pots (12 inch pots will do, and these are only necessary if you will be saving divided plants for transporting elsewhere). Division is best done in spring or fall (after the plant has entered dormancy and been cut to the ground, but before it has begun its new spring growth), and needs to be done every four to five years regardless of whether you have the goal of propagating the plants for best performance. To propagate by division, follow these steps:
Propagating Arctotheca by Seed
- Keep in mind that the plant you get from seed will not necessarily mimic all of the characteristics of the parent plant. To propagate by seed, you will need a paper bag, a pot or tray filled with well-draining compost or other organic material, a spray bottle and a fork. If you don't have any potting medium on hand, you can make some. Just mix together equal parts (by volume) moss peat and horticultural-grade sand or grit sand. You will also, after a few weeks, need individual 3-inch pots for each seedling that grows.
- Water your prepared seed tray or pot filled with soil, and ensure that good drainage is occurring. Place your seeds in your prepared pot or seed tray about a quarter inch to a half-inch under the soil surface. Cover them with soil and water with your spray bottle. Place your tray of seeds in a warm area that receives bright, indirect light. A greenhouse is the most ideal climate, but a planting tray inside a window will do as well. Germination usually takes 7-14 days from sowing. Once you begin to see seedlings sprout and they are able to be handled, transplant them to their own individual 3-inch pots, filled with the same potting medium as described in Step 1. Loosen the seedlings from the potting medium by digging down with the tines of your fork about an inch and a half, gently working the seedling up until it is out. Then, replant the seedling in its individual pot.
- Keep the seedling's potting medium moist, but not wet, by spraying the soil with your spray bottle. Keep your new plant in an area with bright light (though not direct sunlight) and temperatures between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Ensure that the soil stays moist, but not wet, until the next spring (after the danger of frost has passed), when you can transplant it to its new home.
Propagating Arctotheca by Division
This type of propagation is relatively simple; you will need a clean shovel, mulch, fresh soil (any kind will do, though it does need to be well-draining), compost, gloves and other protective wear (to prevent skin contact) and pots (12 inch pots will do, and these are only necessary if you will be saving divided plants for transporting elsewhere). Division is best done in spring or fall (after the plant has entered dormancy and been cut to the ground, but before it has begun its new spring growth), and needs to be done every four to five years regardless of whether you have the goal of propagating the plants for best performance. To propagate by division, follow these steps:
- Dawn your protective gear and gather your materials. Using a shovel, dig up your existing plant. Start from the outside and work your way in to avoid damaging the roots. Once you have worked it up out of the ground, lay it out.
- Start to tease apart the roots with your gloved fingers. Once the roots are untangled, separate your plant into segments.
- Prepare your pot(s) or new planting site(s) with amended, well-draining soil. You can either bring in new soil or simply amend your existing soil with compost to complete this task. Then, plant your divisions about an inch under the soil surface and water thoroughly.
- Apply a thick layer of mulch over the new planting to protect it from cold weather as it acclimates to its new home. Then, enjoy watching it sprout.
Problems and Pests
This groundcover needs well-draining soil but otherwise are not fussy. In colder weather, leaves and blooms will suffer some frost damage when temperatures dip below freezing, but it will regrow quickly. These plants spread easily, but are also easy to remove in areas where they are unwanted. Take care if you are planting these in your garden if you are near wild areas, as they can become invasive if they escape gardens.
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The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (2012) - Page 166, Arctotheca calendula (Cape Weed)
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