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At-A-Glance InformationAlso known as Hymenocyclus, and commonly called Ice Plant, this succulent flowering perennial needs full sun and little to no water. The flowers will attract bees to your garden and they are great for street-side and freeway plantings. They are mostly considered groundcovers due to their height and habit, and are native to South Africa. Leaves are fleshy, and resistant to heat, wind, exhaust fumes from cars, and fire. Flowers bloom continuously throughout the year.
Malephora Species and Varietals
This variety of Ice Plant's ideal growing zones vary depending on the species. For more growing information, see the descriptions below. To find your zone, click here: Zone Map.
Malephora crocea Best in zones 11-24, this plant gets 6-12 inches tall and spreads to 6 feet wide. Foliage is blue-green and reddish-yellow flowers bloom year round, heaviest blooms occurring in spring. Good for steep slopes. Variety Malephora crocea purpureocrocea has blue-green foliage and salmon-colored flowers. |
Caring for malephora
Problems and Pests
A video all about growing camellias successfully
Propagating camellias
The New Sunset Western Garden Book: The Ultimate Gardening Guide (2012) - Page 432, Malephora
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